worms| ascariasis| hookworm| pinworm| Treatment of worm infection



Worms are various in nature

1. Round Worm--- Ascaris Lumbricoides

2. Thread Worm--- Enterobius Vemicularis

3. Tape Worm--- Taenia

4. Hook Worm--- Ancylostomata

5. Pin worm, whip  worm, and Toxocara

-:Round worm:-

They are present in intestine, it appears round in shape and tall upto 1 foot. They are white, yellow or reddish in colour. Eggs are found in female worm, those goes out with stool but get damage. If those eggs gets mixed with water or with any food and if it is  taken without boiling, it will attack the person. And those eggs goes into the stomatch of human and create problems. Or it spreads through the unwashed fruits, vegetables also...

Round worm symptoms:

1. Abdominal pain

2. Vomitting, nausea

3. Frequent loose motion

4. Itching and amoebiasis are seen

5. Patient gets weak

6. Angry behaviour

7. Itching nose

8. Fever


              stool test

-:HOOk worm:-

It is  hook in shape. Larva of those worms enter into the body by penereting the leg.

And then after it goes into blood vesel.

And then it enters into intestine through Heart-Lungs

    Common symptoms of hook worm:-

1. Weakness

2. Loss of appetite

3. Interest in soil eating

4. Abdominal Pain

5. Vomitting

6. frequent loose motion

7. Fever

Hazard factors


Youngsters are especially powerless to gastrointestinal worms. That is on the grounds that they might play in conditions with sullied soil, for example, sandboxes and school jungle gyms. More established grown-ups are likewise at expanded danger because of debilitated resistant frameworks.


As per the World Health Organization (WHO), around 10 percentTrusted Source of individuals in the creating scene are contaminated with gastrointestinal worms. Individuals in non-industrial nations are at the most noteworthy danger because of drinking water from debased sources and due to diminished disinfection levels.




On the off chance that you have any of the above side effects, and particularly on the off chance that you have gone out of the nation as of late, you should make a meeting with your PCP. Your primary care physician may then complete an assessment of your stool. It might take a few feces tests to affirm the parasite's quality.


Another test is the "Scotch tape" test, which includes applying tape to the rear-end a few times to recover pinworm eggs, which can be recognized under a magnifying instrument.


On the off chance that worms or eggs are not identified, your PCP might complete a blood test to search for antibodies your body produces when it's contaminated with a parasite. Furthermore, your primary care physician might take a X-beam or use imaging tests like processed tomography (CT) or attractive reverberation imaging (MRI) contingent upon the degree or location(s) of infection suspected.




A few sorts of gastrointestinal worms, like tapeworms, may vanish all alone in the event that you have a solid insusceptible framework and sound eating routine and way of life. In any case, contingent upon the sort of digestive worm disease, one might require treatment with an antiparasitic prescription. Genuine side effects shouldn't be disregarded. See your PCP in the event that you:


have blood or discharge in your stool


are spewing every day or as often as possible


have a raised internal heat level


are very exhausted and dried out


Your treatment plan still up in the air dependent on the sort of gastrointestinal worm you have and your side effects. Tapeworm diseases are normally treated with an oral prescription, for example, praziquantel (Biltricide), which incapacitates the grown-up tapeworm. The praziquantel (Biltricide) makes the tapeworms disengage from the gut, become disintegrated, and afterward drop of your body through your stool.


Normal medicines for a roundworm contamination incorporate mebendazole (Vermox, Emverm) and albendazole (Albenza).


Side effects ordinarily start to work on following half a month of treatment. Your PCP will in all probability take and break down another feces test after treatment is finished to check whether the worms have vanished.




Gastrointestinal worms increment your danger for sickliness and digestive blockages. Complexities happen all the more habitually in more seasoned grown-ups and in individuals who have stifled insusceptible frameworks, like individuals with HIV or AIDS disease.


Gastrointestinal worm diseases can represent a higher danger in case you're pregnant. In case you're pregnant and are found to have a gastrointestinal worm disease, your PCP will figure out which antiparasitic drug treatment is protected to take during pregnancy and will screen you intently while you are treated during pregnancy.




To forestall digestive worms, consistently clean up with cleanser and heated water prior and then afterward utilizing the latrine and prior to planning or eating food sources.


You ought to likewise rehearse sanitation:


keep away from crude fish and meat


completely cook meat to temperatures of basically 145°F (62.8°C) for entire cuts of meat and 160°F (71°C) for ground meat and poultry


allow cooked meat to rest for three minutes prior to cutting or devouring


freeze fish or meat to – 4°F (– 20°C) for something like 24 hours


wash, strip, or cook every single crude foods grown from the ground


wash or warm any food that falls on the floor


In case you're visiting agricultural nations, cook foods grown from the ground with bubbled or decontaminated water prior to eating, and stay away from contact with soil that might be tainted with human dung.




Two normal reasons for bodily fluid in your stool are drying out and blockage. These two conditions might make the typical bodily fluid in your colon leave the body. Bodily fluid brought about by these issues might resolve all alone or with medicine.


Changes in bodily fluid levels may likewise be the aftereffect of a fiery gastrointestinal condition that requires clinical treatment. A portion of these conditions include:


Crohn's illness


Crohn's illness is an incendiary inside sickness that influences your gastrointestinal (GI) lot. Early manifestations might incorporate loose bowels or weariness, just as an abundance of bodily fluid in the stool (because of a disturbed bodily fluid hindrance in the excited digestive organs).


Cystic fibrosis


Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary issue that outcomes in the development of thick, tacky bodily fluid in your lungs, pancreas, liver, or digestion tracts. Cystic fibrosis may likewise cause bodily fluid in the stool.


Ulcerative colitis


Like Crohn's illness, ulcerative colitis is a provocative entrail sickness. It's a persistent condition that causes aggravation in your digestive organ or rectum.


An expansion in bodily fluid discharge frequently happens when the body is managing the side effects of ulcerative colitis, which thus can build the bodily fluid in your stools.


Peevish inside disorder


Peevish inside disorder (IBS) is the name for a gathering of side effects like stomach torment, squeezing, and changed gut propensities that happen outside of an illness finding.


Presently, research proposes that bodily fluid in the stool might be associated with the runs somebody encounters as a manifestation of their IBS.


Gastrointestinal contamination


Digestive contamination can likewise prompt bodily fluid in the stool. Models incorporate disease from microorganisms like salmonella and shigellosis, which can happen from eating debased food.


Specialists figure microscopic organisms might invigorate bodily fluid creation, causing mucusy stools. Serious the runs can likewise build bodily fluid in stools.


Malabsorption issues


Malabsorption issues happen when your entrail can't as expected ingest specific supplements. Conditions identified with malabsorption incorporate lactose bigotry and celiac illness.


Colon or rectal malignant growth


Colon or rectal malignant growth begins in your colon or rectum and may cause manifestations like blood in your stool, bodily fluid in your stool, rectal dying, and unexplained weight reduction.




There's nobody size-fits-all treatment for strange bodily fluid in the stool. To treat the abundance bodily fluid, your PCP should analyze and treat any fundamental issues, which might be identified with irritation in your colon.


Most specialists will start with an actual test and a blood test. The test outcomes will provide your PCP with a comprehension of your fundamental actual wellbeing.


In the event that extra data is required, your primary care physician might demand more tests. These might include:


stool culture




an imaging test, for example, a X-beam or a CT examine, or pelvic MRI filter


sweat electrolytes test (normally done in case there's chance of cystic fibrosis)


For certain individuals, a determination might be reached rapidly. For other people, the fundamental reason may still up in the air regardless of broad testing.


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