Food poision| food poisioning symptoms| salmonella poisioning| sign of food poisioning


-:acute gastro-enteritis:-

Causes: Poisionous food

Some common top symptoms:-

1. Vomitting after 6 hours of taking meals

2. Frequent loose motion

3. Acute abdominal pain

4. Often patients get quick weak

5. Pulse decrease

1) Chemical poison:-

If chemical poison gets mixed with container of food or during the time of cooking, poisonous occured.

Like if sour type food is taken in container made with brass or ‘kasa’, it causes poisonous. If container comes in contact with any poisonous object, and if it does not get washed clearly or if one take food with out washing hand then it causes poison.

2) Virus infection:-

Stale, rotten and half boilped food is more vulnerable to Virus.



Glucose water, coconut water, Electroral water


What is food contamination?


Foodborne disease, all the more ordinarily alluded to as food contamination, is the consequence of eating sullied, ruined, or harmful food. The most widely recognized manifestations of food contamination incorporate sickness, spewing, and the runs.


In spite of the fact that it's very awkward, food contamination isn't uncommon. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, 1 out of 6 Americans will get some type of food contamination consistently.


Food contamination indications


On the off chance that you have food contamination, odds are it will not go undetected. Manifestations can differ contingent upon the wellspring of the disease. The timeframe it takes for indications to show up likewise relies upon the wellspring of the contamination, however it can go from just 1 hour to up to 28 days. Normal instances of food contamination will commonly incorporate no less than three of the accompanying indications:


stomach cramps


looseness of the bowels




loss of craving


gentle fever








Indications of possibly dangerous food contamination include:


looseness of the bowels enduring for over three days


a fever higher than 101.5°F


trouble seeing or talking


indications of extreme drying out, which might incorporate dry mouth, passing next to zero pee, and trouble holding liquids down


wicked pee


On the off chance that you experience any of these indications, you should contact your primary care physician right away.


What causes food contamination?


Most food contamination can be followed to one of the accompanying three significant causes:


Microscopic organisms


Microscopic organisms is by a wide margin the most common reason for food contamination. When considering hazardous microbes, names like E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonellacome to mind all things considered. Salmonella is by a long shot the greatest offender of genuine food contamination cases in the United States. As per the CDCTrusted Source, an expected 1,000,000 instances of food contamination, including almost 20,000 hospitalizations, can be followed to salmonella disease every year. Campylobacter and C. botulinum ( botulism)are two lesser-known and possibly deadly microbes that can prowl in our food.




Food contamination brought about by parasites isn't generally so normal as food contamination brought about by microscopic organisms, however parasites spread through food are still extremely hazardous. Toxoplasmais the parasite seen regularly in instances of food contamination. It's ordinarily found in feline litter boxes. Parasites can live in your intestinal system undetected for quite a long time. In any case, individuals with debilitated resistant frameworks and pregnant ladies hazard genuine incidental effects if parasites move to their digestive organs.




Food contamination can likewise be brought about by an infection. The norovirus, otherwise called the Norwalk infection, causes more than 19 million casesTrusted Source of food contamination every year. In uncommon cases, it tends to be deadly. Sapovirus, rotavirus, and astrovirus welcome on comparable side effects, yet they're more uncommon. Hepatitis An infection is a genuine condition that can be sent through food.


Who is in danger for food contamination?


Anybody can catch food contamination. Measurably talking, almost everybody will catch food contamination once in their lives.


There are a few populaces that are more in danger than others. Anybody with a stifled insusceptible framework or an auto-safe illness might have a more serious danger of contamination and a more serious danger of complexities coming about because of food contamination.


As per the Mayo Clinic, pregnant ladies are more in danger on the grounds that their bodies are adapting to changes to their digestion and circulatory framework during pregnancy. Older people likewise face a more serious danger of contracting food contamination on the grounds that their safe frameworks may not react rapidly to irresistible life forms. Youngsters are additionally thought to be an in danger populace in light of the fact that their invulnerable frameworks aren't so evolved as those of grown-ups. Small kids are all the more handily influenced by lack of hydration from spewing and loose bowels.




What's nice to eat when you have food contamination?


It's ideal to continuously hold off on strong food sources until spewing and looseness of the bowels have passed and on second thought move back to your ordinary eating routine by eating easy to-process food varieties that are tasteless and low in fat, for example,


saltine wafers










chicken stock


dull potatoes


bubbled vegetables




soft drink without caffeine (soda, root lager)


weakened organic product juices


sport drinks


What's awful to eat when you have food contamination?


To keep your stomach from getting more surprise, invest to keep away from the accompanying more effort to-process food varieties, regardless of whether you think you feel good:


dairy items, particularly milk and cheeses


greasy food varieties


exceptionally prepared food varieties


food with high sugar content


zesty food varieties


singed food varieties


You ought to likewise stay away from:


caffeine (pop, caffeinated drinks, espresso)






How might food contamination be forestalled?


The most ideal way of forestalling food contamination is to deal with your food securely and to stay away from any food that might be dangerous.


A few food varieties are bound to cause food contamination in light of the manner in which they're delivered and ready. Meat, poultry, eggs, and shellfish might hold onto irresistible specialists that are killed during cooking. In the event that these food varieties are eaten in their crude structure, not cooked as expected, or then again if hands and surfaces are not cleaned after contact, food contamination can happen.


Different food varieties that are probably going to cause food contamination include:


sushi and other fish items that are served crude or half-cooked


shop meats and wieners that are not warmed or cooked


ground hamburger, which might contain meat from a few creatures


unpasteurized milk, cheddar, and juice


crude, unwashed products of the soil


Continuously clean up prior to preparing or eating food. Ensure that your food is appropriately fixed and put away. Completely cook meat and eggs. Anything that interacts with crude items ought to be disinfected prior to utilizing it to plan different food varieties. Make a point to consistently wash products of the soil prior to serving.

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